ai, what a world...
The subject for my rant today? Liberals, and this very interesting belief that some of them seem to have about Republicans and Christians. I was very confused when I saw the topic: Republicans wanting to ban Thanksgiving. *blink, blink* Where did this come from? Well, I still don't know exactly, because the author didn't give any evidence that the Republicans were seriously attempting this. All they talked about was that the spirit of Thanksgiving and sharing with others less fortunate than themselves was completely contrary to the beliefs of the Republicans and "born-again Christians". Well, I'm not going to speak for the Republicans, because I hate politics, and I don't entirely like the Republicans, but neither do I like the Democrats. There are aspects I like about both. As for Christians, well, I find it rather offensive, and definitely despicable for them to call me out on beliefs that I must "have" to be a Christian....quite obviously, they know nothing about Christianity. A popular thing among Christians has been the "WWJD" bracelets. What Would Jesus Do? it asks. So, as Christians, it is said, we should follow Jesus's example. What did he do? He healed people with leprosy. Those people were exiled from civilization because of their disease. They were "less fortunate" than Jesus, but he helped them. That's just one example, but it's enough. By reading this, we know that Christians should help people less fortunate than themselves. And also, they conveniently ignored the fact that in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, a great deal of those providing food, water, and shelter for the evacuees were church groups, and many more that could not go donated canned food, bottled water, and clothes to the Red Cross to be sent to New Orleans.
Though, I can see where their ideas come from....certain conservative "Christians" have given people like me a bad name through their equally despicable behavior *ahem* Pat Robertson *ahem*....among others. They said our "beliefs" come from our emphasis on personal responsibility, saying that the situations people are in, be it poverty, unemployment, etc., are their own fault, and therefore, we should let them suffer. Again, not a Christian belief, folks. Yes, I do believe that bad things happen to people because of their own doings. To deny that is to deny simple logic, cause and effect. That doesn't mean we shouldn't help those people. Sure, it's good for them to learn from their mistakes, that way, they don't make them again. We should help them get back on their feet though, give them a chance to do it right. This is a Biblical concept: We humans make mistakes. We disobey the commands given by God. In short, we are imperfect, and God is perfect, that is the nature of God. Perfection doesn't tolerate imperfection. they cannot be together. They are opposites. However, God gave us a chance to make up for our imperfections through Jesus's sacrifice. His sacrifice makes up for our imperfections, and all we have to do is accept His gift and follow his commands as best we can. Funny enough, that includes helping people less fortunate than ourselves.
*sigh* People like this make me disillusioned with society, though. How dare they call themselves intellectuals, open-minded, when they hide behind their stereotypes and misconceptions? how dare they think that because they are "intellectual and open-minded" that they are better than me, a "close-minded", "ignorant" and "obsolete" Christian? Who are they to judge me by the actions of others? They are hypocrites....and so is Pat Robertson.
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