interesting weather...

at least I think so. Apparently there were very strong mid and upper level winds today, because I watched a storm get ripped apart. Also, I was watching another storm, and saw cloud-to-cloud lightning, which is pretty rare. But on to other things. I talked to katie about what I wrote in my last post, she said that it wasn't her intention to give that sort of impression, and she thought it was what I wanted. So, that's cleared up, my main concern was not the kiss, but the motives behind it. Have no problems now. We went to smithfield today so she could meet my dad and Chrisanne. They liked her. then we went and saw "The Exorcism of Emily Rose", much better than "The Exorcist". the latter was almost funny, except for the vulgar and blasphemous nature of the film. The former had none of that. Um...what else....I got four tickets to Jeopardy...funny thing is, I asked for only three. Now I have to figure out who to take. Probably have to get there early to get seats, as it's first come, first serve, and they came right out and said they distributed more tickets than they had seats. What kind of moron developed that system? Now we'll have to get there a few hours in advance just so we can get a decent seat, or a seat at all. Hopefully it won't be as bad as Episode III. Well, as for that stalking issue with Rhone and Robin...long story, really, and I don't feel like telling it...but we'll try to get that worked out this week. well, I don't feel like writing more, so I'll go.
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