this morning, to be precise. about a quarter to 1am. someone set fire to something in the lobby microwave. The smoke was so thick that I could hardly see the door on the other side of the lobby. Smelled horrible, too, naturally. anyway, I was asleep when the fire alarm went off, I put on my shoes and as soon as I saw the smoke on the 421 side of the dorm, I went out the other end. Forgot to grab my iPod, need to get in the habit of that...has my computer files backed up on it. anyways, the fire marshal wouldn't let us back into the building until someone confessed to starting the fire. Of course, it didn't occur to him that whoever it was might have left as soon as it caught fire, and they might have been from another dorm. SO, the firemen actually sat in our lobby watching TV (in the lobby where the microwave was, no less), while we had to wait outside. They finally let us back in about 2:30am. So, all in all, I got about five hours of sleep...not enough. But the good news is, in weight training, all we did was turn in our projects and leave. Took a test in Anatomy and Physiology...I suck. I don't think I did well unless I made really good guesses. It's ok, I guess, though...I've done well in lab, and we have the exam coming up. One test won't kill me, I can still make an A, which is what I need. Tomorrow I'm going to see the head shrinker again. Gotta tell him about cutting a couple of times. Also need more meds, I'm out of the lamictal. So, not only do I have to go to Fayetteville, wait at the doctor's office, get a haircut, I also have to wait at the pharmacy...not to mention I plan to go to the coliseum to see about getting tickets for the Project 86 concert. It turns out that it is a part a two-day skate show...I want to see if I can just get in to see the concert. I hope will suck if they come to Fayetteville, like I've been wanting for so long, and I can't see them. Probably have to get Alex's mom to get the tickets for us, and i'll pay her back for mine. Anyway, after all that, I'm coming back, and Megan wants to watch Episode III, so I have to give her a synopsis of Episode II because she hasn't seen it. Just as well...Episode III is better, and I can't find my copy of Episode II anyway.