I am determined
To post everyday, just to bore the heck out of you. Isn't it fascinating that I have so little to say? I hate having nothing to say. hmm....I'm tempted to touch on a touchy subject...preps vs. punks/goths/general rebels...er, let's just say...never mind. you get the point. I tend to lean towards the non-prep side of things: I love my black shirts, odd bumper stickers, my hardcore/heavy metal music. Not to say I fall into that category...I really have no category. I'm somewhere between hick and punk/goth. wow, labels are so stupid. So, what do I have to say to both sides? or rather, about both sides.
Preps: you're living in a dream world. get out of it. Life isn't about you, and I hope you learn it the hard way. You're too self absorbed, too shallow. The joy you get out of serving yourself will wear away, and then what will you have? your shallow friends will leave you when your empire falls, and you will have nothing. Look at what Job's friends did to him. When he was down, and he was REALLY down, most of them left and the few who stayed sat back and criticized him. The only real joy you're going to find in life is reaching out and helping others, ie, those rebels you spend so much time scorning. I'll explain in a moment why they might need help. Basically, your fault is, you live too much in your fantasy world of what you want things to be like. Only, the real world will come for you, so you better be ready. If you're not, it will be quite a shock. What's going to happen to you if life throws you a curve, if God decides to test you like He did Job, lets Satan have his way with your life? will you be able to stand? when you're sitting in a nursing home in 50, 60 years, will you be regretting that you wasted your life thinking that by partying, wasting your money on fancy clothes and other garbage, that you could treasure that the rest of your life? Relationships are the only things that last a lifetime, and you're not on the path to forming lasting ones. Wake up and smell reality. No one respects a snob.
Punks/Goths: you're in a dream too...for some, it's a self-induced nightmare. When I write this, I'm thinking of those individuals who are so depressed that it seems to me that their life is a living hell. I know I will get some comments on how this isn't always the case with members of this group, but, just letting you know, I have yet to meet any exceptions. In a general sense, people under this label, have some emotional problems. What you need to do is, deal with it. Admit you have a problem. get help, don't wallow in it, though, I know that can be enjoyable, I've done it myself. Get a grip. not everyone hates you, some people actually care about you, yes, you would have people crying at your funeral. Unless you actually have the strength to kill yourself, which I don't, I've tried, you've got, like I said maybe 60 years to live. don't waste it by living it in a miserable state. Don't be afraid to reach out to others for support. Enjoy life, there actually is stuff to enjoy. Me, like I've said before, in one of my moods, at least I have a dog I can go to. Pets, particularly dogs, are proven to be therapeudic. So get a dog. After the troublesome puppyhood, it will be worth it. Just do something to enjoy life. If you're on meds, take 'em, until you can handle being off of them. this depression, this self-pity, is another form of selfishness. It's not all about you. there are people with bigger problems, and the best way to help you deal with your problems is helping someone else with theirs. Trust me it works, better than any meds I've been on. If you're the one that needs help, I'm no professional, but you can come to me. I care. I'll listen. I'll help you the best I can.
As I'm running out of things to say, I'll close. all of what I've said is based on knowing actual people that would fit into both categories and is partly, therefore, to them. But it is also for anyone to whom the above applies. um....I hope I can sleep tonight, because I haven't been sleeping well, and I have to actually get up before noon tomorrow for some appointments.
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