Ravings of a Semi-Madman

Not, of course, to discredit what I say. I speak the truth, because the truth is the only thing worth speaking.

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Thursday, January 05, 2006


just thought it was a funny looking word. German I think for "warning". something like that. Brian's gone....after a long day of picking up his friend, driving to ECU, getting all of their stuff in, taking brian and his roommate to Best Buy, not to mention missing turns and stuff (how am I supposed to know how to get around Greenville?), taking them back, getting all the way back to Smithfield, then Brian calls and says his bass amp's power cord is still in my car and wants me to drive all the way back to give it to him. Hell no. He's pissed, I think he's being a baby about it, I'm just going to mail it to him tomorrow. Sick of driving, really...took a nap when I got home. ugh, why am I hungry? I've been a pig today. I wish someone was on to talk to...I'm just going to go let the dogs in and go to bed.


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