Ravings of a Semi-Madman

Not, of course, to discredit what I say. I speak the truth, because the truth is the only thing worth speaking.

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Saturday, July 29, 2006

tired all day

Not sleeping Thursday night caught up with me today. Worked today, wasn't too bad, not as bad as Thursday night where toys was a wreck. Had to completely rezone it. I mean, I saw a kid sitting on the floor, with his dad there, taking stuff off the shelves and throwing everything on the floor. That aptly describes how the toys section was Thursday night. Somehow, with everyone's help, we still got out of there before 11pm...my first time getting out that early. Wonder if we can manage that tomorrow night.

Talked to Megan tonight for a little while. She was exhausted, had a fairly bad day. Late for work because of storm debris on the road, had a customer that gave her a hard time, was yelling at her, etc. Don't think I could stand that. I'd probably say a few thing that could get me fired. I about said a few things today when I brought something up to the fitting room to be repackaged, and she very rudely told me to do it myself. But, she did find me a few minutes later and apologized.

Hmm...did you know that it costs $2.00 to make a balance inquiry at a non-First Citizens ATM when you bank with them? Yeah...that's why my checkbook was off by $6.00. It didn't tell me that it cost money.

Something I wanted to comment on. Some of you may have heard of "Corinne eats ghosts." That's what she goes by. Anyway, she's quite popular on MySpace. She's been going on about her relationship with a guy she once broke up with. They're back together now, and she talks about how wonderful he is and stuff. What gets to me a bit is that sometimes I get the feeling that she thinks other people should be jealous of their relationship. Can't say that I am. I mean, I'm happy for her, and maybe at one time I would have been jealous, but not now. I'm the happiest I've been in a long time, because I have Megan. I love her and she loves me. It's hard to believe that I could be loved. I know I wrote so much about how much I wanted love, yet said I would never find it. Well, I have. And you know what? it's everything I thought it would be and better. Remember, this is coming from a die-hard pessimist.

Well, I think I'm out of ammo for tonight. Oh, yeah, I can't wait for school to start back. Be almost out of Target, and get to see Faith, Matt, Rhone, Mike, Peter, and Megan again. Especially Megan, lol.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

something I neglected

Yes. In my rush to rant about last night at work, I neglected to discuss this past weekend that I spent with Megan. Ok.

Got there, my mom and I talked to her parents a bit, then Megan and I went into her room to watch "The Skeleton Key"...very good movie, I might add. We were cuddled up on the bed while we watched the movie, and afterward, she gave me my promised "surprise"...namely, we made out. Damn, she's good at it. Last time was really just kissing for the most part, this was...well, you get the idea. Unfortunately, it didn't last long because my mom almost walked in on us in telling me it was time to go. Megan said her heart almost stopped.

Next day, we went to sunday school, then went on a picnic/hike on Pilot Mountain with her parents and my mom. After that, we went back to her house, where we had a few minutes alone to say goodbye, and then my mom and I left. So sad.

Talked on the phone with her tonight, we didn't want to have to get off, but she needed sleep since she has to get up at 6am. Watched "The Skeleton Key" with Alex and Audrey tonight, they liked it too. Not much else...got my bike back, it's fixed. that's it for now.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Getting sick of Target already. I'm not keeping this job after I go back to school. I was supposed to get off at 9:15 tonight, but no, I had to put up all the reshop I had found, and finish zoning, so I ended up closing...and so I was shorted two breaks. I think they're getting frustrated with me that I didn't have everything done by 9:15...not that it really made that much of a difference to anyone but me, but...yeah, I'm not keeping this job, and I'm not going to reapply. They got my scheduling wrong again...scheduled me on a Sunday morning, apparently they've lost my availability sheet, so I had to make another one...they had better not expect me to come in that sunday morning, regardless of whether or not someone is willing to take that shift...it's not my fault that they can't keep track of their paperwork. I made it clear during my interview, and other times when they scheduled me for sunday mornings, that I would not work until 2pm. Period. No exceptions. Oh, and another wonderful thing, I'm working 2-close on a Saturday during tax-free weekend...can we say 11+ hour shift? I think I just need to take my meds and go to bed...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

*scratching eyes*

I'm tired, but I don't know if I'll be able to sleep, it's so dang hot in here. Got up to 100 today. I miss Megan so bad. But on that topic, we made arrangements to go see her and her parents this weekend instead of going to Myrtle Beach. Of course, the original idea (hers) was for me to meet her at the beach tomorrow night, since they're already down there, and have dinner with them, and then take a long walk on the beach after dark. Unfortunately, my mom doesn't want to drive that much in one day, and I don't know how to get there by myself. I could figure it out, but hey, if I go this weekend, I get to spend more time with her, and don't have to worry about work the next day.

Speaking of work, worked today, work tomorrow, work Thursday and Saturday...decent hours this week, right in my "optimum" range. Next week, however, they exceed my maximum hours...again. Pisses me off. One more time, and I might just give them an earful. They also had me scheduled for two Sunday mornings in a row...but I told them there's no way I'm working those because I told them when they hired me that I'm not available Sunday mornings. So, obviously, whoever makes the schedule can't do math or tell time. I'm not sure I'll keep this job after I go back to school...I had thought about keeping this job to the 90 day mark (sept. 22), take a leave of absence, and come back over Christmas break, and hopefully still have the job next summer. I think they do a 30-day evaluation though, which will be next week if they do that, so I'll see what they think of me. It's just that this job is BORING. Not hard at all, and very boring. all I do is straighten items on a shelf, and occasionally put things back on shelves when they're not where they belong. It's the highlight of my day if I get to pull an item out of the back for a customer (we call them "guests"), or take something out to their car. I think the most fun I've had at this job was that one day where, for a couple of hours, I got to be the cart attendant, that is, bring shopping carts in from the parking lot.

well, that's the end of my rant tonight. going to bed.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

some more detail

yes...talked to megan tonight, she told me some of what she wrote about this weekend, particularly Saturday night. She went into far greater detail than I did, so, not to be outdone, lol, I figure I owe you some more info on what went on.

We were cuddling during the movie, and afterward, well, when we weren't talking, we were making out on the couch. We eventually got up to go to bed, and she came to tell me goodnight, we hugged, and started making out again in the doorway. As we were doing that, my hands started to go up her shirt a bit, caressing her waist and bare belly, started kissing her neck...she then told me that she wished I would go lay down with her and do that until she fell asleep. It kinda shocked me that she would say something like that...well, live and learn, I guess. She said I gave her a very odd look when she said that. But anyways, I didn't, and we went to bed in SEPARATE beds like I said before.

She said tonight that I knew her weak spots, namely, her waist, belly, and neck. She also asked me if I would have laid down with her had she asked. I told her, I probably would have. But it's probably better that I didn't...less temptation.

well, enough of that. Work tomorrow, hopefully I can get a set schedule so I can get my volunteer hours in at the hospital. Going to bed now though.

Monday, July 10, 2006


for my long absence. To be very brief, I went to Megans house at the beginning of June, had an awesome time, quit the Nissan place, got a job at Target, Megan came here this past weekend, I worked today. That about sums it up.
Now, I will probably go into more detail about Megans visit. I met her near Sanford and guided her to my house. We got here, sat around for about a half hour, then left for dinner with Alex, Audrey, Seth, and my mom. Then Megan, the Szigedis and I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean...good movie, there is obviously going to be a third one. came back, dropped off the Szigedis, took Megan out to the lake to see the stars from there. Told her I was in love with her, and we kissed. eventually went back to the house, went to bed. Got up in the morning, had breakfast with Grandma and Ross and my mom, left and went to Smithfield, where I bought a new pair of shoes. Then we went on to New Bern. Ate lunch, went to the beach for about an hour and a half, mostly just walked and talked, and we switched off giving each other back massages after we were done walking. met back up with my dad and Chrisanne, went back to New Bern and had dinner with them. rented "Sphere" and watched that, everyone loved it. Dad and Chrisanne went to bed, Megan and I stayed up for a while, cuddling on the couch and talking a bit. Confessedly, when we weren't talking, we were kissing, lol. But anyways, we eventually went to bed (and not the same one, lol), had breakfast, left for my house, had lunch with G and R and my mom, then I took Megan back to Sanford, and she left.
"Parting is such sweet sorrow"? what's so sweet about it? I miss her already, and it will be even longer before I see her next time...won't be till August 20, move in day at school...well, I gotta go, dinner.