Ravings of a Semi-Madman

Not, of course, to discredit what I say. I speak the truth, because the truth is the only thing worth speaking.

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Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Getting sick of Target already. I'm not keeping this job after I go back to school. I was supposed to get off at 9:15 tonight, but no, I had to put up all the reshop I had found, and finish zoning, so I ended up closing...and so I was shorted two breaks. I think they're getting frustrated with me that I didn't have everything done by 9:15...not that it really made that much of a difference to anyone but me, but...yeah, I'm not keeping this job, and I'm not going to reapply. They got my scheduling wrong again...scheduled me on a Sunday morning, apparently they've lost my availability sheet, so I had to make another one...they had better not expect me to come in that sunday morning, regardless of whether or not someone is willing to take that shift...it's not my fault that they can't keep track of their paperwork. I made it clear during my interview, and other times when they scheduled me for sunday mornings, that I would not work until 2pm. Period. No exceptions. Oh, and another wonderful thing, I'm working 2-close on a Saturday during tax-free weekend...can we say 11+ hour shift? I think I just need to take my meds and go to bed...


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