Ravings of a Semi-Madman

Not, of course, to discredit what I say. I speak the truth, because the truth is the only thing worth speaking.

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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

*scratching eyes*

I'm tired, but I don't know if I'll be able to sleep, it's so dang hot in here. Got up to 100 today. I miss Megan so bad. But on that topic, we made arrangements to go see her and her parents this weekend instead of going to Myrtle Beach. Of course, the original idea (hers) was for me to meet her at the beach tomorrow night, since they're already down there, and have dinner with them, and then take a long walk on the beach after dark. Unfortunately, my mom doesn't want to drive that much in one day, and I don't know how to get there by myself. I could figure it out, but hey, if I go this weekend, I get to spend more time with her, and don't have to worry about work the next day.

Speaking of work, worked today, work tomorrow, work Thursday and Saturday...decent hours this week, right in my "optimum" range. Next week, however, they exceed my maximum hours...again. Pisses me off. One more time, and I might just give them an earful. They also had me scheduled for two Sunday mornings in a row...but I told them there's no way I'm working those because I told them when they hired me that I'm not available Sunday mornings. So, obviously, whoever makes the schedule can't do math or tell time. I'm not sure I'll keep this job after I go back to school...I had thought about keeping this job to the 90 day mark (sept. 22), take a leave of absence, and come back over Christmas break, and hopefully still have the job next summer. I think they do a 30-day evaluation though, which will be next week if they do that, so I'll see what they think of me. It's just that this job is BORING. Not hard at all, and very boring. all I do is straighten items on a shelf, and occasionally put things back on shelves when they're not where they belong. It's the highlight of my day if I get to pull an item out of the back for a customer (we call them "guests"), or take something out to their car. I think the most fun I've had at this job was that one day where, for a couple of hours, I got to be the cart attendant, that is, bring shopping carts in from the parking lot.

well, that's the end of my rant tonight. going to bed.


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