Ravings of a Semi-Madman

Not, of course, to discredit what I say. I speak the truth, because the truth is the only thing worth speaking.

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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

first day of classes

Wasn't that bad...didn't really do anything productive at all...I hope tomorrow's the same way. I'm probably going to drop that 6-9 class. just not something I want to do. *sigh*...such a tired, lonely night. I received a comment today, some girl messaged me, said she had looked at my pics and wondered how the hell I was still single...I had to laugh. Such irony. Only girls on the internet who live no where near me think I'm attractive....I must say that's the most interesting complement I've ever received though....I wish girls here on campus thought the same way.
I guess I'm hopeless in many ways. And so is the future for me. hmm, let me quote some of my poetry here....

I’m here alone
Day by day, just drags away
Tired of this roundabout road,
On and on, forever it goes
No end in grasp, no Freedom’s Path

part of a stanza...that's how I see my life....my friends say they're here for me no matter what, and I believe them, but I feel like I'm "imposing" on them if I ask them for help...that's how it is with anything really...I'm polite to a fault, I can't ask for help for fear of inconveniencing someone. But that's not the issue here....well, I'm going to go...cry myself to sleep or something like that.


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