Ravings of a Semi-Madman

Not, of course, to discredit what I say. I speak the truth, because the truth is the only thing worth speaking.

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Monday, December 19, 2005

that's odd....

hmm...wonder why I'm on heavy antidepressants, and I'm depressed? I don't know, do I? maybe they don't work...yeah. Feeling of general inadequacy tonight...and that can't be spelled right....maybe it is....Today was a good day though, I suppose. I got the FM adapter for my iPod. Went to the gym today, I finally got to listen to my music at the gym. I even got my grades today, 5 A's and two B's, I was happy, it was what I wanted. But still....
Inadequate as in, not that I can't handle the tasks in front of me, but I just feel rather worthless. I feel like I need to do something worthwhile...maybe I'll feel better when I go with the other volunteers tomorrow caroling, like we did today, but tomorrow I told them I'd bring my guitar along...perhaps that's what I'll do...work on those songs for a little bit...even though it's past midnight.


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