Ravings of a Semi-Madman

Not, of course, to discredit what I say. I speak the truth, because the truth is the only thing worth speaking.

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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

no comic today

I'm at my dad's, so I'm using their computer, and I don't feel like transfering a pic from my laptop to this computer. We had a conversation about my mental problems. Chrisanne theorizes that they come from my experiences with Jerry. Unresolved issues. Well, I agree, though, I'm not sure how to resolve them. Well, I have an idea...I was always intimidated by him when I was younger...but now...I suppose that lingering inferiority complex and fear of him would be resolved if I were to have a confrontation with him and not back down, not be afraid of him. Don't know when that will happen, though. Probably will if he moves back in with my mom and I have to see him on a regular basis. I hope, though, that it isn't for a long time. As for the rest of my medications, I would like to go off of them. I finally have friends that will support me (female friends are great for that, for some reason, a male's male friends just aren't the support type), people like Faith, Keri, and Megan. I think I can handle my depression without the drugs...and then I might actually be able to lose all of this fat. My dad mentioned that even if I do find someone that will love me and vice-versa, I will still run into problems that might get me depressed. He also mentioned that my depression might be purely situational, that there might not be any chemical imbalance causing it. I don't believe the second part, but I do the first. However, as long as I have support, I will be fine. And I don't see why people worry about me when I'm depressed. I've tried to kill myself, and I just don't have the willpower to do so, so I'm not really a danger to myself...I may end up going back to cutting, but again, it's not really harmful as long as I'm sanitary about it...I do wash the knife and the cuts. Of course, I'm being hypocritical here, I suppose. I would be worried about one of my friends doing those things...more so my female friends than my male friends....I know plenty of girls that cut, but the only guy I know besides me is Brian. And females are statistically more likely to commit suicide than males. But I guess the point is, I don't care about it when I do it, but I do care when my friends do it, or even just an acquaintance or a complete stranger. I just feel the need to help. Females are more receptive to help than are males. Guys like to solve their own problems, girls look to others for assistance, they expect it, in a way. Girls look out for each other, guys just say it's no big deal and blow it off as nothing. I didn't believe it either, but look at it. You see girls getting together and going out for something, and what do they do? they talk about their problems, and the others give them moral support. What do guys do? Being one myself, I find myself saying things like "Ah, don't worry about it" when other guys talk to me about problems, just as a conversation. If I were actually counselling someone, i wouldn't do that, but just as friends, yeah, most guys do that. Fascinating, isn't it? That's why I want to be a psychologist.
Well, I'll go for now.


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