It's true...I haven't posted in a month and a half. Well, what's new? I'm home for the summer, and looking for a job. Hopefully Megan will be visiting this coming weekend, and we'll go to my dad's. He got his orders to go to Philadelphia in June, and they've already sold their house, so this is probably the last time I'll be able to visit them in New Bern.
SO, what should I say about what I've been doing? I was in a play called "Nun Wars", a Star Wars spoof of sorts. I was Jake Wyskalker, the main character. It was fun, everyone liked it. Moving out was a pain, thank God I have a first floor room next year. Got a new phone with a bluetooth headset. Fun stuff. Sold my bike at the yard sale this weekend, going to get a new one.
I'm bound and determined to lose weight this summer, and a lot of it. Started today, went to the gym and resumed my old workout routine that I had in the weight training class last spring. Planning on going three times a week, coming home and having a protein shake (last spring, I'd have eggs and milk for breakfast, as the class was in the morning). I'm just sick of how fat I am. I know I just ate, but right now, I weigh 200 pounds. I'm only 5'8". So, I'm pretty damn fat. I'm tired of the looks of disgust I get from people. Just a couple of weeks ago, I was in Walmart, and a group of high school kids looked at me as I walked past them, and they were trying not to laugh. Then there's that girl in US History. Anytime I made eye contact with her, she had that "What are you looking at, freak" expression on her face. I'm sick of that. My junior and senior years of high school, I looked great. Now, I don't. Of course, it will help that I'm going off of my medication. Speaking of which, I need to make a couple of phone calls, so I will return momentarily...
I'm back. Called in my refills, called my mom, called this place about working as a kennel assistant...have no clue what it's for, the ad didn't say much, and I left a message on the machine.
Okay part that doesn't go on MySpace...couple of weekends ago, I was over at Megan's, and we were messing around like we normally do, and I was massaging her G-spot, thought she was going to scream when she had her orgasm, so I kissed her. As she told me later, she had one orgasm right before I kissed her, and another one while I was kissing her, and that she was going to scream, but couldn't because I was kissing her. Talk about a close one. Her parents were in the house sleeping. We had a serious conversation afterward about what would happen if we get caught, and she said it would end up with me on the wrong end of a gun, probably getting shot. I told her that Brian would probably take exception to that and kill her dad for it. I told her that what her dad would do is not out of love for her. If he loved her, he wouldn't do anything. She gave me the hypothetical that if Brian was in my position with his girlfriend and her dad, would I kill the dad even though the girl had tried to stop her dad from killing Brian. The answer is yes, because he deserves to die. She told me I would be depriving her of the two most important men in her life by doing that. I said that were I in her position, I'd have made sure I killed the dad first before anyone else could do it. The way it seems to me is, Megan would forgive her dad for killing me, and although she would mourn me, she wouldn't hold any grudge against her dad or treat him any different. Me, on the other hand, were I in her position, would, like I said, hate him and kill him for it, or at least maim him for life.
Anyways, I'm out of stuff to say for now.