Ravings of a Semi-Madman

Not, of course, to discredit what I say. I speak the truth, because the truth is the only thing worth speaking.

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Monday, May 21, 2007

wow, I'm posting again...

Currently, I'm experiencing a "fit of passion"...meaning, I have an insane urge to do something constructive. This usually occurs after a period of extreme laziness, which I have been experiencing the past week. So, allow me to make a list of things I intend to do this week:

Organize the kitchen (in particular, the silverware drawer)
Replace the head on the weed eater and weed eat around the pond.
Go to the gym Tuesday and Thursday.
Clean out my bathroom cabinets.
Mow when necessary.

If I think of any more, I'll do those too. Now on to the next part of this post: the dream I had last night. Kind of strange, really, but try to ignore the strangeness of the setting. I'm in a mixed wrestling match, but I'm the only guy in it. Tag team set up, but we're all in the ring fighting. My partner, who is this hispanic girl, is fighting this huge woman named Bertha, and I'm fighting a girl about my size. She was pretty, had fair skin with some freckles, blue eyes and really dark brown hair. Anyways, she's trying to hit me with a chair, but I knock it out of her hands and do some sort of move that I don't really remember, but anyway, she ends up unconscious on her back. I pin her, and we win the match. I feel kind of bad for her, so I wake her up, brush the hair out of her eyes, and ask her if she's okay. She says she is, that she's just exhausted and a little sore, and that she didn't sleep much the previous night. I help her up and walk with her back to the locker room door (strangely enough, this whole thing was taking place in the Bryan Hall courtyard), pat her on the back, told her that I loved her, and walked off. At this point, I realize that she was my sister (which, if you don't know, in reality, I'm an only child). I see Megan standing off in a corner looking somewhat upset, and I know that it's because she doesn't know that that girl was my sister, and she heard me tell her that I loved her. That's the most interesting part of the dream, the rest involves me and Megan getting on a bus that's trying to follow a motorcycle, but the bus driver doesn't know how to make right turns, and I end up riding my bike down I-95.

I often wonder what it would be like if I had had a sister. I do confess that being an only child was a lonely experience. Sure, it means that I got spoiled and everything, but...I'm just curious. I would rather have a sister than a brother just because I get along better with girls than guys for the most part. I have more female friends than guy friends, although my three closest friends are guys: Alex, Brian, and Drew. And then there's this strange desire that I have to want someone to look after, like a younger sister. It would make me feel as if I had more of a purpose in life if I had a sibling that looked up to me (for example, wanting my approval of the guys she dates). I don't know, I'm just strange that way. Wonder if I'd have turned out different, perhaps not be as strange? It's a good question...


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