Well, I did write megan that letter...perhaps I'd better post it in here so that you can see...
Well, I promised you that I would tell you something tomorrow, tell you what I was thinking about. Here it is. I'm really sorry I didn't do anything special for your birthday. I hope you'll understand my perspective though. One, I didn't know that you were expecting a second celebration of your birthday with me after this weekend that we were supposed to spend together and do something for your birthday. I just thought you wanted me there so that you could spend it with me. Well, that sounds a tad bit self-absorbed, but I hope you can tell what I mean. Two, I'm not used to special, original birthdays. Since probably about middle school, I haven't had a "special" birthday with the exception of my seventeenth, which was spent in NYC on that chorus trip, and I got to eat at Jekyll and Hyde (that wasn't specifically for my birthday, but they did tell the staff that it was my birthday, so I got a cake thing). I had even forgotten it was my birthday. My family has never really held big, special birthday things for people. It's usually just a cake, and a few gifts, a special dinner, that sort of thing.
Anyways, I'm not trying to make excuses, just trying to help you understand me a little better. I'm sorry that you feel like I don't care. I really do, and I hope you believe me. It hurts me to think that everything I've done over the past few months hasn't communicated that well enough. I guess I'm just feeling somewhat inadequate, you know? I will try harder in the future, okay?
I love you deeply, passionately, and forever. Don't ever forget that.
There. Judge for yourself. Anyways, we had another disagreement over this. She felt I was making an excuse, even though I said I wasn't. She also thought that I might have been saying that I am the way I am, and I wouldn't change, so she'd have to accept that. So therefore, she didn't understand why I wrote all that. We both parted on somewhat of a sour note, but she called me when I got back to my room, and, in a moment of clarity, I was able to explain myself. Basically, the reason I listed the stuff about me was because I was hoping she wouldn't judge me so harshly if she knew that I was not accustomed to doing special birthdays. I also said that I knew I was wrong in not planning anything, and that I would try harder in the future, as the letter says. She was satisfied with that, and finally understood. So, we're both happy now.
Though, I guess there is something else I want to say that's been on my mind. I know she loves me, but I wish she was more demonstrative, physically speaking. I'm always the one initiating hugs, kisses, hand holding. It's just kind of frustrating, but I'm afraid to bring it up with her for fear she would misunderstand me or something. It would just make me feel like she cared more, loved me more, you know? Just like me doing something special and original for her would make her feel.
Well, I'm done ranting. 25 minutes and I'm leaving. Dr. Engel had better show up so that I can leave on time. I still have to pack, and then I have to drop Rhone off before I can go to my dad's. Maybe I'll play some solitaire to pass the time...