Ravings of a Semi-Madman

Not, of course, to discredit what I say. I speak the truth, because the truth is the only thing worth speaking.

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

This is...

Post #250. I'm starting to have a big blog...well, it's only #106 on my MySpace blog, but this is Blogger I'm talking about. So, what should I say in it? Bryan and I attended that Halo 2 tournament last night. We're going to give a refurbished iPod Nano to the winner. It was fun to watch, and we got plenty of volunteers. However, we kind of had to ditch testing at the one hour mark, because no one wanted to stay around that long. But I think it is sufficient for our purposes to have only two groups: the ones tested immediately after playing, and the ones tested the next day. I'm supposed to have a couple of people see me this evening to be tested. Hopefully they don't forget.

I plan to start on my article summary for Criminal Justice tomorrow at work. I really don't feel like it, but if I can get a page done everyday, it won't be so bad. Only has to be five pages. The real fun is going to be the intro and method rough draft for Research Methods. Intro has to be about five to seven pages. I'm thinking of asking Bryan to do that, and I'll do the Method.

Well, it's another boring night at work. Been raining all day, and Robin came in a few minutes ago to tell me to shut the computers down in case it storms. It's not like anyone's going to come in on a night like this, why even keep the place open? Wait...I see a computer that's still on...ok, that's taken care of. hmm...I seem to be feeling somewhat depressed...thinking about kickboxing and my book. For some reason, that's depressing me. oh, what to do while I'm here...still have an hour and a half. I'll figure something out. What, I don't know. Just know that this job is boring.


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