Ravings of a Semi-Madman

Not, of course, to discredit what I say. I speak the truth, because the truth is the only thing worth speaking.

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Sunday, August 20, 2006

I'm here...

Moved back into school today. Got here at 8:30am, move-in wasn't supposed to start until 9pm, but they let us start early. Alex and his mom helped us. Got everything in before my dad, Chrisanne, and Rhone got here. Then we helped him move in, put together my loft bed. After that, Alex went home, and then we went to help Megan move in. that was much easier than moving in my stuff. I'm on the third floor of McCall, she's on the first floor of Bryan. After we got done with that, we went to lunch at Wendy's, came back, did some unpacking, went to Walmart and got a chair for my room, one that's more comfortable than the chairs they give us. Hung out with Rhone and David some, had dinner with everyone from that group. Walked Megan back from Stephanie's apartment. We both felt like we hadn't gotten to see each other much today even though we were together for several hours. I guess we just didn't get any "one on one" time. We'll get plenty of that, though, the next couple of days. After we get our ID's, parking stickers, and my books, we'll be leaving for my dad's. It's his birthday tomorrow. Anyways, I'm done writing for now.


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