Ravings of a Semi-Madman

Not, of course, to discredit what I say. I speak the truth, because the truth is the only thing worth speaking.

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

hard at work

No, really. Do you have any idea how hard it is to sit at this computer and browse the internet for three hours? It takes an enormous amount of willpower not to lose my sanity. I wish I could just leave...though, I'm not sure what I would do if I did. I'd probably be just as bored in my room as here. Perhaps I'd drive to the Spring Lake Blockbuster to see if they have either Final Fantasy XII or one of the Tekken games.

Well, I've been looking at presidential candidates for 2008. I know I don't like Hillary Clinton, don't think I like Obama either...but then again, before you go calling me a prudish conservative, I don't like Sam Brownback either. He's TOO conservative. The best one I've seen so far is John McCain. Although, I don't agree with any of them as far as the subject of immigration goes. The main thing I disagree with is the fact that all of them want to extend Social Security and welfare benefits to illegal immigrants. I say, if they're illegal, they shouldn't get anything from the government. Save the money for better purposes, like giving it to the legal citizens of this country. Giving the illegals money without making them apply for citizenship will only encourage more illegal immigration.

That's the end of my rant. Spent yesterday evening with Megan. We tried to watch "Return of the Jedi", but it wouldn't play in my PS2 for some reason, so we ended up watching Chronicles of Narnia instead. Choir spring retreat is this weekend, oh joy. From 4:30pm Friday to 12:30pm Saturday, we will be rehearsing. I'll probably be hoarse by the end of it. Then there's the Super Bowl on sunday...I wonder if Mike would come over and watch it with me? Gotta do something other that watch it by myself. *sigh* still an hour and twenty minutes to go. Don't know how I'll occupy my time.


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