Ravings of a Semi-Madman

Not, of course, to discredit what I say. I speak the truth, because the truth is the only thing worth speaking.

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Sunday, October 31, 2004

stupid time change

It bites because it gets dark so early, and the sun comes up too early, so that when I drive to school in the morning, I'm going to be looking straight in the sun. Well, so what sort of boring things have I been up to? Went to Jen's as a "deranged psychopath", she gave me some stuff to put on my face to fit the part....fake blood and stuff. Alex came in all black, had a Korn t-shirt, pirate skeleton mask, and the same uh...weapon I had. It's like an axe handle, but instead of the axe head at the top, it's a wide, double-edged blade that goes straight up and then curves back slightly to a point. Anyway, I think we freaked our English teacher when she came to drop off her daughter. It was fun. Since it's Halloween, I went to work in that get-up. would have been fun if it wasn't so freakin busy. We were packed the whole time, it was like 80 degrees outside. Went to a Third Day concert last night, that was fun. The best band was the first one, Day of Fire. Did I see them before? I'm not sure, they might have been at Carowinds, but if they were there, they did a completely different style of music. Anyway, Nikki said she likes me, she told me yesterday at the concert, she also said she's gonna break up with her boyfriend, so who knows? I like her too. Kinda makes me a little uncomfortable though, she told me she loved me before I went home, that kinda blew me away, she can't be serious about that, I know that I don't feel that way about her yet. Not that I don't want to go there, but that takes time. Relationships should always have balance. It's better for both to feel the same way for each other than for one to feel more strongly for the other, than the other does for the one.
Hey, I finally got a Living Sacrifice CD, it's awesome. Hey, I'm gonna go eat my not so appetizing dinner.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

wow, this is procrastination...

I SHOULD be writing my paper right now....it's only three pages, but that seems daunting to me right now.....I'm writing it on how bumper stickers reflect my values. Fascinating. Hey, did I mention that Kristina said she didn't have any feelings for me, so nothing's gonna happen there? Can't remember if I said that or not, so consider it said. Took some cold meds last night, didn't wake up till 10:30 this morning, and it's a school day, so I didn't get there till end of 4th period. Celebrating Jen's b-day tomorrow, gotta find something creative to wear. already know what my prop's gonna be though. Don't know what it's called. *sigh* I'll get to my paper now. hey, new song on my poetry blog, take a look.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

good morning...again...

yeah, it's 12:30, and me and Chris just finished The Scorpion King, I swear, that's one of the worst movies I've seen in a while. It was so cheesy I laughed. Choreography sucked too. The sword fights, acting, graphics, everything about it was so amateur. The only thing good about it would be the soundtrack, which I'm going to have to find.
Met Kristina's family today...basically, just her mom and stepbrother and stepsister. I think Kristina and I are going to go do something next weekend. Don't know what yet though.
Okay, issue to rant about tonight...er, this morning: the subtle message of the Scorpion King, that love is all about sex. Put bluntly, one tends to reflexively disagree. But think about it for a moment. In the movie, the only "love" between The Rock and that sorceress is sex. She wants his dick, and he's happy to give it to her. That's as complex as it gets. And that's what a lot of guys and girls my age practice. They wouldn't say outright that that's what they think, but that's what they DO. All it seems to be today is "how quickly can I get laid". The way this game is played is pretty complex, but the goal, as stated above, is simple. Take our school's varsity quarterback. He's a stereotypical jock. Very self-possessed From a female's perspective, he's a pretty attractive specimen. He's also possesses a brain the size of a mini marshmallow, and getting into his mind is like diving into a shot glass: it's pretty shallow water here, folks. Well, today at the Fall Fest, the hottest girl at the school seeks him out and proceeds to not let go of him the whole time they're there. Okay, I might be exaggerating a bit, but you understand. That might be his girlfriend, I'm not sure. But she ain't the only one who wants him, that's for sure. Everyday, after school, he's surrounded by girls. And I wonder what they see in him. Hmm, I have an idea. Whenever a person, guy or girl, has a crush on someone, they develop a utopian vision of what a relationship with that person would be like. That's more than likely the case here, both with his girlfriend, and the envious girls who try to steal him away. they think he will provide love, comfort, COMMITMENT....when really all he's doing is trying to sweet-talk them into sex. It's not an overt thought (remember, we're dealing with a branch of humanity that has the IQ of banana pudding), but that's how it ultimately turns out. And if she doesn't go along with it, he just dumps her and picks up another girl. His ex will be broken-hearted and eventually gravitate to another sweet-talking stud. Doesn't learn her lesson. But she'll figure it out before the guy does. The guy may have to wait a good fifteen years before he figures out that younger women aren't really interested in him because they know he's just after sex. Then what's he gonna do? All he's done is screw, and doesn't have a clue as to how to form a lasting relationship.
Anyway, to end this, statistically, the more attractive an individual, the more likely that their marriages are going to end in divorces. Why? for the very reasons stated above. My advice to girls: never go for the top dogs. They're all balls and no brains. Best guys to go after are the ones who aren't so popular, you know, the wallflowers, the ones that just blend into the social mix, the ones that are down to earth, and not so full of themselves. They'll give you what the other guys won't: real love and commitment. To everyone in general: when you first get into a relationship, keep your hands and body to yourself. Develop an emotional relationship BEFORE you develop a physical one. That will give the relationship a greater chance for success, because you've established that the person and their feelings are more important than physical gratification.
Okay, I'm through now. Shuttin' up and goin to bed.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

good morning....kinda...

yeah, cause it's like, two in the morning....anyway, so much to write about. Kristina and I have talked a lot through notes, just asking a bunch of questions and stuff. I'm going to meet her mom tomorrow at the Fall Fest, then we'll probably be allowed to go out together. hmm, let's see, what else. Getting addicted to Dynasty Warriors 4 Empires. Sort of a combo between Kessen II and DW 4. Alex and Chris M. are over here, we just finished watching The Exorcist. Not the scary movie people say it is, and I'm easily creeped out by movies. Once you get past the extreme vulgarity and blasphemy, it is quite hilarious, in a twisted way. Most of the "disturbing images" for which it was rated R, they're kinda funny. But they're not kidding about the "strong language". It's pretty foul, even by today's standards. And, of course, the whole movie is blasphemous to God. I mean, you sort of expect that, being about demon possession, and that's what demons do, they blaspheme God, but the ending did not glorify Him, it glorified man. That's what my sci-fi book is about. It's about an angel that is so incredibly powerful, but it shows that God is so much more powerful. I mean, this angel can summon hurricanes, enshroud the world in darkness, even destroy a star. But, at the end, he is not strong enough to accomplish what needs to be done, so he pleads for God to lend him His strength.
Anywhat....I don't know what we're gonna do now...later

Friday, October 08, 2004

I don't feel like doing this

I'd rather be sleeping. That is why I'm gonna take a nap when I'm done. Have work tonight, wish I didn't. If i didn't, I'd take a walk with Alex, then come home, eat, and sleep. Oi, really don't feel like working tonight. Anyway, got a note from this girl who's new this year. She wrote that she likes me, wants to get to know me a little better. Real funny thing is, I liked her before she told me that, but I couldn't talk to her this afternoon, so I told her I'd e-mail her. who knows? Maybe this'll go some where. pluh, I'm tired. nap time.