Ravings of a Semi-Madman

Not, of course, to discredit what I say. I speak the truth, because the truth is the only thing worth speaking.

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Friday, September 17, 2004

whew, big storm

yeah, it was. anyway, no work tonight, and I'm guaranteed off next Saturday for the Fall Party. We're having a meeting for the praise band on Monday. We got the athletic director to lead us, and he's got equipment we can use, like, a couple of 800 watt amps (ooh, nice!), mics, stuff like that. we have all the members we need, and his experience in doing this sort of thing. Still need lyrics for that one song, but I'm getting the chorus melody finished up. hmm, not much else, war's over, I'm trying to bring my income back up (it's Utopia i'm talking about, lol. I'm not crazy), it got messed up with the 70% draft, not to mention the lack of building investment. it should be back to normal by tomorrow, though. maybe I'll be able to break 400k nw by the end of the age. That'd be nice.


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