Ravings of a Semi-Madman

Not, of course, to discredit what I say. I speak the truth, because the truth is the only thing worth speaking.

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Friday, November 03, 2006

new poem

yes, I've written something new, finally. I like the second half of it, anyway. not one of my best, but perhaps it will grow on me. I wrote it during Spanish 201 this morning. It's posted on my poetry blog, but I will post it here to, I guess.

Why must I feel
this Pain again?
What have I done
To deserve it?
I feel like doing
that Thing again.
I know it's wrong;
I know that.
But why must I
Feel it again?

I'm not alone anymore.
I am loved.
Why isn't it enough

I'm hurting right now
With no one to tell
Thoughts pervade my head
Keep me company
On lonely nights
But it's not real
False solace
For a real pain
Is it wrong
To want the real thing?
Where do these thoughts come from?
I don't know.
All I know is that it hurts
And I want it to end.
One way or another,
It must end.

I'm going to skip Lifetime Wellness today. We're supposed to go to the gym to either run or lift weights, but it's usually the guys who end up doing the weights, and I'm tired of doing that because it's so crowded in there, and it's pointless to lift weights once every few weeks. Then again, maybe I won't skip. Maybe the guys will get to run today. I have to stick around campus anyway until tonight for that Madden tournament that we're going to for the experiment. Anywhat, if I'm going to Lifetime Wellness, I'd better change, because I won't have time between CJ and that class.


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