ugh, not ANOTHER week...
yeah, tomorrow's monday, and we know how I feel about mondays. tonight was a chorus performance. didn't go too bad. chris, caitlin and I sang our little trio song. i wish someone had recorded it, I want to be able to hear how I did. okay, now I'm having more doubts about just don't know how torn I am....I long for that kind of companionship, and here it is for the taking, but....I'm easy to like, it's just hard for me to like back, ya know? for someone as outwardly revolting as myself, I'm pretty picky :). not about physical traits, but personality-wise. Nikki just doesn't seem my type...she's too...hyper, does most of her talking over the phone (something I can't stand)....kinda pushy too....but then again, when we're together, she hugs me a lot, stays close to me, that physical contact I love, it doesn't need to be anything sexual, just that voluntary contact.....but then again, it goes back to the friendship test I mentioned a long time ago....could we get along as friends? she's convinced that we're awesome friends, but inwardly, I'm indifferent. okay, change of thought....maybe it's just the phone thing that drives me up the she'll go on forever, then asks me if I'm even listening...which I am, I just can't get a word in edgewise, don't even know what I'd say, cuz she's just talking about her probs, I know that's usual for girls, don't have a problem with that, but if we were in person, she'd know I was listening, so I don't know what she's looking for on the phone....maybe I'll try to introduce the note thing, like me and Kristina'll be harder though, since we only see each other once a week, but, the point is that she can know that she's talking to me, but I don't have to worry about focusing on what she's saying till she gives me the finished product. then I can think about what she wrote, write a reply, and boom, a conversation has started. Honestly, I think we need to know each other a little better, then hopefully we'll understand each other's tendencies a little better, and see if the interest is still there...oh, bum, never did my math, oh well, gotta shower, bye.
ha. You and Joe seriously have alot in common.... girl probs. Well from a girl, not all girls go on and on. Well.... i don't think i do. lol.
Hang in there.
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