well, that's over with
Decided not to ask her. yeah, I know some people are gonna be disappointed with me, but I realized that I shouldn't be doing what they want, in this case, it's about what I want. In other words, I should be doing it for me, not for them. She's not my type, end of discussion. It was remarkable how much easier it was to breathe once I made that decision. I can just move on. So what is my type, if not the girl I've liked for well over a year? Take note of something. The best relationships that I've seen, dating or marital, is where the couple are people who could just be friends with each other, even if there never was a relationship. Or, it could be said, that they relate like the best of friends, talk like the best of friends, but that there is something deeper between them: love. Let's go even further back. How does one describe a friendship? Well, I could say for you to look at me and any one of my good friends, but considering that the majority of you who read this don't even know me in person, much less have met my friends, that's not good enough. So, friends......friends are people with whom you are extremely comfortable. They are people for whom you do not have to put on a front, because they know you intimately, know most, if not all, of your secrets, your feelings, etc. They know your likes and dislikes. There's a lot more that I could say here. But I really don't need to. Do you remember how you met your best friend? Didn't it just sort of click between you two? That's a good sign in telling if someone might be your type.
So, it might follow logically like this: If I were to find a girl, we got along really well, and I liked her, that's a really good combination, and it suggests that that might be a good time to see if the interest is mutual. I mean, I'm not going to flat out ask that question, but at that point I'd ask her out. But that first part's the real trick: finding both in the same person. Because, if I think hard about that, there are few people who fit that bill....actually, none. Or, rather, there are some, but I don't have ask them to know that they won't go out with me. And it really has nothing to do with me. Either they're already hooked up with someone else, or they're just not interested in going out with anyone, period. A frustrating reality. But, new school year's coming, that means new people. so, we'll just have to see what these new people are like. you never know, this could be a good year for me.....
Oh, yeah, before I forget, never try to sleep around overly sociable large dogs. Doesn't work, trust me.
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